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Inga registrerade bestigningar för Feng Shui.
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Problem i denna sektor
Bimbo, 6A
Sitstart with hands on the lowest ramp, climb slightly to the right.
Blockage, 6A
Straight up.
Explosivo, 7A
Sitstart, straight up.
Feng Shui, 7B
Sitstart to Blockage.
Kundalini, 7B
Sitstart to the right, climb straight up.
Mea Culpa, 7A
Sitstart with hands on low jug, climb straight out the roof and up.
Mea Culpa Sine, 7C+
Mea Culpa without the glued hold in the roof.
Meckar Micke, 6C
Sitstart down to the right, follow the overhang then up.
Project, 7B+
Sitstart, straigh up.
Solitär, 6C+
Sitstart, straight up.
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